Veneto Maximizes its Touristic Outreach by Becoming an ECTY Destination Partner


Joining the European regions of Catalonia, Lakeland, Piedmont and Tuscany, the Veneto is a destination partner of the EU- China Tourism Year 2018 (ECTY). Partners in the Joint Promotion Platform for Destination Europe (JPP) benefit from cooperative marketing programs initiated at a European level to be jointly funded by the EU, European destinations and private partners.

Online programs are threefold. There is an ECTY OTA advertisement campaign. OTAs (online travel agencies) are the bridge between independent travellers and travel suppliers and account for 20 million outbound travellers in China-booked tourism products every year.
Secondly, a content marketing program includes creation, distribution and promotion of custom promotional content (video, travel articles, guidebooks and specific travel itineraries) featuring the unique travel experiences of the destination. The content is developed in cooperation with Chinese journalists, bloggers, Key Opinion Leaders (KOLs) and other influencers to connect on a deeper level with target audiences in China.
And thirdly there is an ECTY social media campaign. The destinations are prominently featured on WeChat, the #1 social media mobile platform in China, and Weibo, the premier Chinese microblogging site.

Offline programs include Welcome Chinese Certification (WCC) and travel trade outreach.
WCC is an exclusive program especially designed to support regional destinations getting ready to tap into the potential of the Chinese outbound travel market. The certification is a worldwide exclusive standard, officially defined, recognized and implemented by the China Tourism Academy (CTA), China’s main governmental research and promotion institute.
The European Travel Commission is hosting a series of Europe-branded pavilions at the most important travel and trade shows in China. Destination Europe serves as the unifying element at these travel trade shows, representing Europe on a macro scale while destinations and other organizations participate as co-exhibitors. Participating organizations maintain their own identity yet benefit from an enhanced visibility, a premium position and preferred access to event services by being part of a collaborative European effort.