2018 Chinese Lantern Festival

OIUC italy office


The great Chinese Lantern Festival is for the first time in the Eternal City. In this occasion, the large buildings realized in various translucent materials, for give the idea of “made of lights” will have the opportunity to start a strong dialogue with the ancient roman and the baroque breathless masterpieces of Rome. With its 25.000 sqm. the Festival will be a real permanent installation of two months, a meeting point for culture, business and social aims. The Festival is promoted in association with Overseas Investment Union of the Investment Association of China | Italy Office.

The great Chinese Lantern Festival became during the years the exhibition of the important tradition of lanterns, created more than 3000 years ago during the Xhou Imperial Dinasty.
Established as Chinese National Holiday in 2008, this festival has a major cultural value for all the society.
The past editions of the exhibition were created in the most famous city all over the world, but maybe one of the them, the most famous, was nowadays never touch: Rome. This unique occasion, to realize in the Eternal City the Festival is the opportunity for emphasize the legacy between two of the most important culture of the past, the Roman and the Chinese ones.
In this occasion, the large buildings realized in various translucent materials, for give the idea of “made of lights” will have the opportunity to start a strong dialogue with the ancient roman and the baroque breathless masterpieces of Rome.
With its 25.000 sqm. the Festival will be a real permanent installation of two months, a meeting point for culture, business and social aims.
The Festival is promoted in association with Overseas Investment Union of the Investment Association of China | Italy Office.


November 9, 2018 - January 6, 2019


Rome, Italy