Great Revelin Tower (Land Gate)
© Branka Kalogjera
Celebrating the Lantern Festival in China, the EU-China Light Bridge event took place in Korčula town, Croatia by illuminating the Land Gate tower (Great Revelin tower) at the same time as the exhibition of the books dedicated to Marco Polo and the lecture “Marco Polo’s Links to Korčula“.
Several local cultural events took place on the same date; the exhibition of the books collected in Korčula which are dedicated to the most famous traveller Marco Polo in the Korčula Culture Center as well as the lecture held by Mr. Aljoša Milat, Marco Polo’s Links to Korčula“ in the Croatian language. The lecture was attended by school pupils, tourist guides and local inhabitants. The purpose of the lecture is to explain the links of Marco Polo, the great traveller, with the town of Korčula, Croatia.
The events dedicated to Marco Polo and his connections with Korčula and China were held in the restaurants in Korčula too.

Great Revelin Tower, Korcula, Croatia – © Branka Kalogjera
March 2, 2018 - March 2, 2018
Korčula, Croatia