EU-China Tourism Year (ECTY) is co-funding campaigns that are defined as original, creative and target-group oriented marketing initiatives that promote transnational themes and tourism products or services in Europe to increase awareness of Europe as a travel destination in China.
The European Travel Commission (ETC) published two calls for proposals which resulted in 13 submissions which were evaluated by a panel composed of a market expert member of the staff of the ETC, an expert in the Chinese market member of the staff of the ETC, and a team of two external consultants in sustainable tourism development and marketing. For the complete participation terms see Calls for Proposals
There were six quality criteria to be fulfilled: pan-European dimension and geographical balance, target audience, measurable outcomes, clarity and quality, creativity and innovation, and relevance and strategic fit; and two financial criteria: value for money and investment ratio. Each member of the panel evaluated all thirteen proposals individually. Of the 13 submissions 8 were awarded on 2 August 2018.