MEP István Ujhelyi, Vice Chair of the Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament and President of the Europe-China “One Belt One Road” Culture and Tourism Development Committee was present at a ceremony in the Royal Museum of Fine Arts of Belgium to cement the merger of Atlas International Culture with HiSeas, the Chinese leader in European Destination Management, now to known as Atlas by HiSeas. Dr. Ujhelyi has said that the number of Chinese tourists traveling to Europe will grow exponentially in the next few years. and praised the 2018 EU-China Travel Year initiative. Atlas International Culture’s mission is to connect China and Europe in the fields of arts, culture, education, trainings and business and Wang Haichen, the CEO of Atlas, shared his enthusiasm about this merger: “such an opportunity only arises once in a company’s lifetime. A new field of unlimited development is opening up to Atlas and our partners. Not only is this a unique chance, but also an honour to be joining such a prestigious group, which is no less than one of the Chinese leaders in the tourism sector”. Atlas and HiSeas will develop a new service: “Tourism +”, making tourism and culture, as well as tourism and business, inseparable concepts and enriching tourists’ and business people’s experience when travelling.