Incoming mission of Chinese Tourism Companies to Sicily and B2B event



Sicindustria, partner of Enterprise Europe Network, is organising a mission to Sicily for 9 Tour Operators from the South Western side of China, 5 media representatives, 1 Enit representative and 1 AirFrance/KLM China representative.

On request of the Italian National Tourism Board (ENIT) in Beijing, Sicindustria, partner of Enterprise Europe Network, is organising a mission to Sicily for Tour Operators and media from the South Western side of China.The objective of this mission is to promote the territory, and facilitate new business relations between the Sicilian and Chinese counterparts.

This mission will consist in a tour of Sicily from the 17th to the 21st of October 2018, during which the Chinese delegates will have the chance to discover the island and some of its UNESCO World Heritage Sites, and hold meetings with relevant stakeholders and companies.

The mission is carried out in collaboration with the Regional Department of Tourism Air France/KLM China, ENIT, EUPIC, EEN partners in the South Western area of China, and is part of 2018 EU-China Tourism Year. Thanks to Sicindustria relations with the regional institutions, the mission is entirely funded by the Department of Tourism of the Region Sicily. In addition, the mission is organised in collaboration with KLM airlines, that are providing the flights for the 9 tour operators.

The target groups are:

1) Sicilian Tourism companies, which will have the chance to meet and discuss about potential partnerships
2) Sicilian regional and municipal authorities, which will be able to promote the territory
3) Chinese media representatives, which will discover the region and be able to promote it in China
4) Chinese companies interested in exploring the business opportunities in Sicily
5) Sicilian media companies, that might find collaboration opportunities with the Chinese counterparts

On the 17th of October, a half day B2B event will allow Chinese and Sicilian counterparts to meet and explore potential opportunities of collaboration.
Sicilian participants will be able to register from the B2B website



October 17, 2018 - October 21, 2018

