Teatro Massimo

© Rosellina Garbo


The Massimo theatre, the largest theatre in Italy, was floodlit in red light on the night of March 3rd. The local Chinese community together with Mayor Leoluca Orlando and Theatre CEO Francesco Giambrone celebrated by launching red sky lanterns into the night sky. 

This was a very special event, as the old theatre is today living through a new youth, with ‘on the road’ opera, free mega screen on the Square, welcoming seminars and debates. Palermo and its Theatre strongly believe that opera music is a great tool for education.

(Chinese version below)

Mayor Mr. Leoluca Orlando declared:  ” Our WONDERFUL MASSIMO theatre, the largest in Italy, the third in Europe after Paris and Vienna – with a special, 7 stars acoustics – was floodlit in RED on the evening/night of March 3rd. ”

This was a very special event as the theatre, which had been closed for 30 years, has recently been re-opened by current Mayor Mr. Leoluca Orlando.

The largest local Chinese community – thanks to a good cooperation with the Mayor and Municipality – was present at the event and launched red sky lanterns to celebrate. The CEO of the Teatro Massimo Mr Fabio Giambrone together with Mayor Mr Orlando and the promoter of the event, Ms Roberta Messina, welcomed all Palermo people, both Chinese, Sicilian, and guests, and welcomed the Chinese New Year from the beautiful Massimo Square.

Maybe even the Famous Phantom of Theatre – a 200-year-old Nun – was sharing in the festive spirit, enjoying the red lights.

The Palermo “Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele” first opened its doors to the public on the evening of 16 May 1897. Palermo, in the second half of the nineteenth century, was engaged in getting itself a new identity in the light of the new national unity of Italy. The town was called the “HAPPIEST” = Palermo Felicissima. Cultural life was influenced by the new enlightened entrepreneurs such as the Florios, who also made generous donations to the building of the opera house project. The opening night on May 16 1897 saw the opera Falstaff by Giuseppe Verdi’s being played. After restorations, the theatre was re-opened in May 12 1997, with a concert by Claudio Abbado leading the Berliner Philharmoniker Orchestra.

马西莫剧院(The Massimo Theatre)是意大利最大的剧院。2018年3月3日,帕勒莫市市长Leoluca Orlando,剧院首席执行官Francesco Giambrone和当地华人社团在此共同放飞红色天灯,点亮夜空。

这一无与伦比的活动重新激活了古老的剧院。通过广场大屏幕上播映的歌剧“在路上”(on the road),欢迎论坛和讨论,帕勒莫和马西莫剧院将格局音乐重塑为重要的教育工具。

帕勒莫市市长Leoluca Orlando宣布,“我们伟大的马西莫剧院是意大利最大的剧院,也是仅次于巴黎歌剧院和维也纳国家歌剧院的欧洲第三大剧院。除了七星级的声学效果,3月3日晚的红色泛光效果为其打造了独特的夜景。”

在剧院关闭30年后,市长Leoluca Orlando用这场意义非凡的活动为它重新揭幕。

同市长和市府有着良好互动的当地最大华人社团积极参与此次活动,放飞红色天灯。剧院首席执行官Francesco Giambrone,市长Leoluca Orlando和活动组织者Roberta Messina女士共同召集当地包括华裔,西西里族裔在内的所有的帕勒莫市民与游客一同,在美丽的马西莫剧院广场迎接中国农历新年的到来。


帕勒莫的马西莫剧院(Teatro Massimo Vittorio Emanuele)于1897年5月16日傍晚首次向公众开放。在18世纪的下半叶成为了统一意大利的象征之一。帕勒莫曾因其读音被双关为“最快乐”(Happiest)的城市。当地企业家Florios为剧院建设项目做出重大投入,为当地文化生活注入新的能量。1897年5月16日的开业公演为朱塞佩·威尔第(Giuseppe Verdi)的福斯塔夫(Falstaff)。修复后的剧院在1997年5月12日重新开业,当日公演由克劳迪奥·阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)领衔柏林爱乐乐团(Berliner PhilharmonikerOrchestra)呈现。

MORE INFO: https://www.teatromassimo.it


March 3, 2018 - March 3, 2018


Palermo, Italy