Joining the European regions of Catalonia, Lakeland, Piedmont and Tuscany, the Veneto is a destination partner of the EU- China Tourism Year 2018 (ECTY). Partners in the Joint Promotion Platform for Destination Europe (JPP) benefit from...
More infoAtlas International Culture Merger with HiSeas Strengthens Chinese-European Tourism Offer
MEP István Ujhelyi, Vice Chair of the Transport and Tourism Committee of the European Parliament and President of the Europe-China “One Belt One Road” Culture and Tourism Development Committee was present at a ceremony in the Royal Museum of Fine...
More infoECTY Transnational Promotional Campaign: The Awarded Campaigns Round Two
The European Travel Commission (ETC) is co-investing in thematic transnational promotional campaigns conceived, developed and executed by a consortium of partners to raise China’s awareness of Europe as a travel destination. Selected promotional...
More info20th EU-China Summit Fosters Strategic Partnerships
At the 20th EU-China summit on 16-17 July The EU and China agreed to further develop the EU-China strategic partnership. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council and Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, represented the...
More info2018 Wudadao International Photography Biennale joined by ECTY
2018 Wudadao International Photography Biennale is held at the Minyuan Square in Tianjin during the Dragon Boat Festival public holidays. Part of the photos from Europe will be continuously exhibited in the ‘hi Europe Life & Travel...
More infoFinnair Celebrates 30 Years of Nonstop Flights Between Helsinki and Beijing and Joins ECTY
Finnair held celebrations in Helsinki and Beijing to commemorate 30 years of nonstop flights between Helsinki and Beijing. In Helsinki Ambassador Chen Li spoke highly of Finnair’s role in promoting people-to-people exchanges and economic...
More infoECTY an Essential Tool in Promoting European Travel
During his keynote at the recent ITB China conference in Shanghai, Eduardo Santander, Executive Director and CEO of the European Travel Commission (ETC), acknowledged the ongoing challenges Europe is facing in regards to attracting Chinese...
More infoLandmarks across China honour the EU-China Tourism Year
The Global Tourism Economy Forum (“GTEF” or “the Forum”), an official partner of the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year (ECTY 2018), co-organized the EU-Macao Light Bridge illumination ceremony with the European Union (EU) Office to Hong Kong and Macao...
More infoECTY Transnational Promotional Campaign: The Awarded Campaigns
The European Travel Commission (ETC) is co-investing in thematic transnational promotional campaigns conceived, developed and executed by a consortium of partners to raise China’s awareness of Europe as a travel destination. Selected promotional...
More infoEuropean Commission Provides Support for Events under the 2018 EU-China Tourism Year
The European Commission (DG GROW) is seeking to provide limited and targeted financial support for a number of relevant actions and events organised by tourism-related organisations with a European dimension and in line with the ECTY objectives...
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More infoWide media coverage of the 2018 EU – China Tourism Year Launch in Venice
The 2018 EU – China Tourism Year (ECTY) launch in Venice’s famous Doge’s Palace was met with massive media interest and coverage with dozens of news outlets reporting (download the press clippings here) as the year was officially opened by the...
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